Research and development, almost 900 applications arrived from Tuscan companies

A total of 878 applications were submitted by Tuscan companies to the Research and Development tenders opened last January, for a total contribution requested that exceeds 114 and a half million euros. The public notices are part of the 2021-27 ERDF regional program and aim to strengthen the investments of the Tuscan entrepreneurial system through the introduction of advanced technologies to encourage the ecological transition and cooperation between small, medium and large enterprises and research bodies also in the form aggregated.

The President of the Region explained that there was optimism towards a good outcome of the two tenders, given the willingness of many companies to invest in innovation. Expectations, the president added, were well rewarded given the many questions received. All of this, he concluded, highlights the remarkable dynamism of all production sectors and the great ability of the economic fabric to create collaborations with the public system.

The excellent outcome of the two tenders is also commented positively by the councilor for economic development who once again underlines the great vitality of the Tuscan entrepreneurial system and its great desire to innovate and be competitive. Again according to the councilor, this is an important result which highlights the great synergy that has been created between public and private, with the involvement of universities and research centres.

For the first call, aimed at large companies in cooperation with at least three MSMEs, the total applications were 156 for a requested contribution of 25.4 million euros. For the second, dedicated to single MSMEs and Midcaps or in cooperation with each other (minimum three MSMEs), there are 722 applications for over 89 million euros.

We remind you that in the two tenders, which allowed participation in partnership with research organisations, the aid is in the form of a capital grant to cover a percentage of the expenses incurred by companies, or a capital grant to reduce interest.

The two calls for tenders are part of Giovanisì, the Region’s project for the autonomy of young people. The manager is Sviluppo Toscana which will now work on approving the rankings.

Note. The press release was drafted in an impersonal form in compliance with the provisions on equal conditions taken with the calling of the electoral rallies for the European and administrative elections of 8 and 9 June 2024